How To Jump Out Of Bed At 5am

Most people get up as late as possible.

This is a mistake.

Getting up before the rest of the world helps you carve out uninterrupted time to improve your mental game, workout and get ahead of your competition.

But this is not a ‘hustle culture’ post. Sleep is vital and just ‘sucking it up’ is a stupid answer.It’s about shifting your routines and creating new habits to get you out of bed hours before everyone else:

It starts the evening before:

• Look at your schedule

• Lay out your clothes

• Pack your bag

You need to create an environment which helps you create the habits you want to build. Remove the guesswork and make it easy to flow through your new morning routine.

Your bed routine:

• Determine how many hours sleep you need

• Set an alarm 60mins before bedtime

• Turn off devices → no blue lights

Remove habits that keep you up late. Empty your mind and read some fiction to set you up for a solid night’s rest.

When the alarm rings:

• This will feel horribly early at first

• Get your feet out of bed asap

• Set multiple alarms

It helps to connect with why you’ll be getting up early the night before. Picture how the extra time in the morning will help create the life you’re after.

Start With a Glass of Water:

• Reduces cravings for the rest of the day

• Helps you wake up and feel refreshed

• Flushes toxins out of your body

As Andrew Huberman advices, delaying coffee helps you to maximize energy, reset your Circadian rhythm and improve sleep.

Journal first thing:

• Identifies self-limiting thoughts

• Increases emotional control

• Reduces Stress

Take time to record your thoughts to start the day in a better mood and with a calmer mind. Here some prompts:

Journalling prompts:

What does a great life look like for you?

What vision do you have for your life?

Who do you want to become?

Who are you grateful for?

What is your legacy?

Get moving:

• Best to get some early sunlight

• Go for a walk or run

• Hit the gym

Working out in the morning helps wake you up, sets you up for whatever the day may bring and helps you wind down easier at nighttime for good sleep.

What if you fail?

Waking up early is a life hack. But some days your alarm didn’t wake you, kids kept you up at night or you needed to work late. No factor.

Remember the 80/20 rule and just start again tomorrow morning.

How to get up at 5am full of energy:

• Create routines to ensure good quality sleep

• Prepare your morning the night before

• Start with fresh water + journalling

• Get early sunlight & exercise in

• Accept life’ll throw curveballs


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