Imposter Syndrome

Over the past year, I have published 123 essays and 47 newsletters.

Want to know a secret?

Until a few weeks ago I used to think that I was an imposter.

Here are the 5 questions that will set you free.

First, let’s clarify: What is Imposter Syndrome?

When you feel like you are a fraud.

You are not the expert, you do not have the stamp of approval, you are not the authority.

This feeling can keep you from sharing your thoughts and your stories.

So how can you overcome it?

Question 1: Who else could tell your story?

The answer is obvious, right?

No one has the combination of your experiences, thoughts and insights.

So are you just not going to share them with the world? Just consume and not create?

We both know what you need to do:


Question 2: Is Imposter Syndrome bad?

When it stops you from sharing your work. Yes.

But it can be good too.

Imposter Syndrome will make you reflect before you press publish. Use it to make sure that you stand behind your work. Then


Question 3: Are you trying to be someone else?

Check in with your work, are you speaking from a position of experience?

Sometimes finding your niche might take you in strange directions.

If your work reflects you, your experiences and thoughts


Question 4: Could you be a guide?

I get it, calling yourself an expert in a field, a trainer, etc. feels not right.

I run a company, carry the title of CEO but still hate to give ‘training’ to my staff. What I do instead is explore my experiences alongside them.

Being a guide is less scary. More authentic even. If you can be a guide, then


Question 5: What would your parents say?

Imagine you go to your parents and ask them if they were experts in raising children from the start?

Did they get a certificate upon your birth granting them authority on this?

Or did they just do it. Figuring it out on the way, learning and growing?


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