How To Get Into Deep Work

Deep Work is increasingly valuable, yet increasingly rare.

Why? Because it is the work that will make you a superstar in your field. But the modern working environment actively works against you.

Here’s how to fix it:

What is Deep Work?

Deep work: Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. Creates value.

Shallow work: Noncognitively demanding, logistical-style tasks, often performed while distracted. Doesn't create value.

Deep Work is what will land you the next promotion. Why is it so rare? Because all day, every day, we are tempted by distractions.

And as a 2012 study found, we can only resist checking our phones & apps 50% of the time.

Here’s the 3-step process to put you ahead of your peers:

  1. Schedule Distractions

Humans are wired to be distracted. But you need to plan for them. When you start work, note down when your next break will be.

Set a timer.

Then go and check your phone, apps etc. But set your timer and stick to scheduled time.

2. Develop a Deep Work Ritual

Your brain fluctuates between phases of deep-and shallow concentration.

Build a ritual to access deep work easily. Best is every day, same time, same place, etc. Initiate your Deep Work with a cup of coffee, headphones on, and go.

The ultimate goal is 4 hours of deep work every day.

But your schedule might only allow for a couple of deep work sessions per week. Have them on the same days if possible. Again, it is all about ritualising your sessions of deep concentration. Your Deep Work sessions will last 60-90 mins at a time.

Plan distractions for afterwards to reward yourself.

When you have exhausted your deep work for the day, move to shallow work. NOT the other way round.

How do you determine what Deep Work you should be doing? Use the Eisenhower Matrix.

3. Evening Shutdown

Note down all unfinished tasks.

Make an Action Plan, what do you need to do next? Leave yourself breadcrumbs to easily start the next Deep Work session.

Then, make sure you truly shutdown from work. Why? Because your Deep Work is fuelled by sleep. High-quality, restful sleep.

And when you are not running through your to-do list in your head, you will sleep better.

For more information and examples on Deep Work, read Cal Newport’s book here.


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