7-Step Evening Routine
Step 1: Make it a habit
Evenings come and you just want to relax.
But having a routine to unwind and reflect is key.
A solid evening routine will help you go to bed relaxed.
Step 2: Avoid exercise before bed
Your body needs:
Lower heart rate
Slowing down of brain waves
Let your body temperature settle
Exercise leads to:
Higher heart rate
Increased levels of arousal
A higher core body temperature
If you need to move, do a gentle walk.
Step 3: Ask yourself powerful questions
What are the loops running in your head?
Who can you reach out to tomorrow?
Whose life did you improve today?
What’s your highlight of today?
What could you improve on?
How did you score today?
Are you happy tonight?
Step 4: Journal
Daily reflection ensures you are in control of your life.
Use stream of consciousness writing to:
• Inspire Creativity
• Strengthen memory
• Improve Mental Health
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Track progress and self-growth
Step 5: Meditate
Apart from the benefits to your mood and mental wellbeing, meditation also boosts your productivity.
Use an app like Headspace or Calm to get started.
Step 6: Prepare for tomorrow
Tomorrow’s success is determined the evening before.
Identify the One Thing will make tomorrow a success.
Review your calendar and to-dos.
Lay out your clothes.
Step 7: Read
Nothing helps you settle for bed like reading.
But read something that you enjoy:
• Books about your hobbies
• Latest fiction novel
• Graphic novel
End your evening routine with something you enjoy to reward yourself.