47 Rules To Catapult Your Career
I have been in a management position now for 15 years.
I have not been a leader for 15 years. Understanding the difference between holding a title at work and acting as a leader are two very different things.
These are 47 rules I wish I was told when I started out.
Getting promoted is an extension of trust, not a reason for your ego to grow.
Relationships are everything.
No virtue is more important than being humble.
Get comfortable saying “I don’t know, but I will find out”.
Pulling rank is a sign of weakness.
You must take ownership of everything.
No one cares how busy you are.
Everyone is a leader. Everyone is a follower. Always.
If you don’t learn from your mistakes, taking ownership of them won’t save you.
If you want to progress with your career, show your boss you can already work above your pay grade.
Helping others succeed will pay off for yourself.
Your boss will love you when you solve problems.
If you can’t control your emotions, you won’t make it.
Be hyper-aware how you make others feel.
Communicate often, not lengthy.
Learn to delegate.
Leaders are made, not born.
No one will understand your company’s business like the people on the frontline. Always learn from them.
Barking orders won’t work. Understand the other person’s motivation, then suggest a way forward.
When things go wrong, take ownership. When things go right, praise your team.
Everyone on your team is the most important member of the team.
You must first learn to lead yourself before you can lead others.
Be on time.
Always be friendly with your team. This doesn’t mean you become friends.
Leadership is a grey area. Choose the best option and accept the consequences.
Be the example, set the standard.
Take time off to recharge. Regularly.
Never send an email when emotional.
Some bosses are assholes, work them out of their job.
Always take notes when your boss is talking to you.
Bringing your personality to the office is important. People will connect with you. And relationships trump rank.
Put your team first.
Saying “I don’t care” destroys trust.
It is normal to feel insecure after a promotion. But if you stay humble, you’ll get over that quickly.
The size of your ego is inversely related to the speed of your promotion.
Learn to make decisions that will let people down.
Never lie.
Pleasing your boss doesn’t mean saying ‘yes’ all the time. If you overcommit and fail to do your core tasks, you will look incompetent.
People with interesting hobbies stand out.
Results > Work Capacity.
If you don’t prepare for a meeting, people will notice. But not in a good way.
If you want to get promoted, you must be a leader.
To get promoted you mustn’t focus on getting promoted. Do your job.
Don’t shy away from hard conversations. They won’t go away. Only grow in complexity.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of self-awareness. And that is sign of being trustworthy.
Your rank doesn’t mean you are superior to others. Pick up trash when you walk past it.
Always build relationships. Relationships build trust. Trust is the foundation for a successful team. When your team succeeds, you win.