The Most Disciplined Man Alive: Jocko Willink
I've listened to 1,000s of hours of his podcasts, read his books and spoken with him.
Here are 12 principles you can apply to become unbeatable:
Who is Jocko Willink?
• Married with 4 kids
• Navy Seal (20-year career)
• Co-owner of Jiu Jitsu academy & gym
• Podcast host and NYT bestselling author
• Co-owner of Origin USA (clothing & supplements)
Now to the principles:
1. Simple
Jocko was asked how he keeps on track of all his projects. His answer: Excel spreadsheets.
Don’t fall for complicated workflows and fancy software. Simple is best.
2. Don’t compromise on your values
Origin USA is using an American-only supply chain. From “dirt to the shirt”, no matter the costs.
Clarify your values & make them non-negotiables.
3. Relationships trump the chain of command
Jocko had bosses he didn’t like yet he always had a good relationship with them.
Because when your boss trusts and respects you, they'll ensure you have support to accomplish your mission and take care of your teams.
4. Delegate & Trust
Jocko gets only 10-20 emails each day requiring him to respond to.
Look at your own work, put ego aside and analyse what others can do better than you. Then you have time to look up and out for your teams.
5. Send out signals to build your tribe
Jocko’s teams are full of people he likes to be around and work with: former teammates and people who share his values.
Be clear on who you are and what you stand for. Communicate it and the right people will find you.
6. Stay consistent
Jocko cranks out multiple books each year? How? He commits to one hour of writing/1,000 words every day.
Set your big goals and then chip away at your plan with unwavering consistency.
7. Make micro decisions
Jocko's success is based on his strategic thinking. But he breaks his big projects into 100s of micro decisions, allowing him to make adjustments at each turn.
Stick to your goals but be flexible on how you get there.
8. Foster humility
Jocko's resume is impressive yet he stays humble. Because he knows there are people who have endured more, overcome more and given more than him.
No matter where you are in life, always put your own ego in check.
9. Honour time
Jocko has lost many friends during and after the war. He honours their sacrifice by living life to the fullest and helping people where he can.
Check yourself daily: how are you honouring the gift of time?
10. Help those two steps behind
Jocko couldn’t find the type of kids’ books he wanted to read to his kids. Now he writes them.
What are struggles you've faced and how can you help those a few steps behind you?
11. GOOD
Jocko’s approach to when bad things happen: Good!
When obstacles block your path, find the silver lining. Does it give you more time to plan? Do you need more help? Did you rush executing on it?
12. Discipline = Freedom
Jocko is financially free, works out and writes daily plus has time for his family and friends. How? By being disciplined with his money and time management.
Everybody wants freedom. The way to get it is by instilling more discipline in your life.
Jocko's 12 Principles:
Honour time
Foster humility
Stay consistent
Delegate & Trust
Discipline = Freedom
Make micro decisions
Help those two steps behind
Don’t compromise on your values
Send out signals to build your tribe
Relationships trump the chain of command