Everything I’ve Learned About Parenting (so far)

1. Their mother is the better parent. I stand in awe at her physical, mental and emotional sacrifices. She gives everything; my role as a dad is to support her the best I can.

2. A calm mind is your most powerful tool as a parent.

3. Delete the word "later" from your vocabulary. Work emails can wait. Never let your child fall asleep waiting for you.

4. Always tell your kids that you love them. All-day. Every day.

5. Your kids watch you 24/7 and they take it all in sooner than you think. You’ll be your boy’s first superhero and your girl’s first prince charming. Be the example they deserve.

6. iPads are no babysitters.

7. Don’t settle for the excuses of less time, energy and motivation. Your kids are motivators not excuses to become your best self. Physically strong, mentally tough and emotionally.

8. Let loose. Dance, sing, be silly.

9. Time in nature is medicine. Teaching kids the value of embracing the elements, getting fresh air, and disconnecting from screens will serve them well as adults.

10. Use physical books to read to your kids every night before bed.

11. Your life will never be the same again once you have kids.  But support your spouse and they'll support you to pursue your dreams. Better yet: create new goals that include your family.

12. Alcohol isn’t your friend anymore.

13. Teach your kids where food comes from and what it does to our bodies.  Cooking their food will make them better eaters now and healthier adults in life.

14. Your wife will always be more tired than you. So suck it up.

15. No matter how many parenting books you’ll consume, you’ll make mistakes. And that’s ok.  Be present, give it your best and learn from your mistakes.

16. When you are with your kids: no phone.

17. Instil a love for learning in your kids. Explore the world with them. Let them ask questions and seek answers together.

18. Date nights must be put into the calendar.

19. Harsh truth: As a dad, your focus must be on supporting your family. It’s not about you, but it’s all on you.

20. Shouting is not going to help.

21. If you're serious about becoming your best self, you need to get up before the rest of the family. Have a daily routine to train your body & mind.

22. Let them get muddy and wet, nature will teach them more about life than any book.

23. Protect their childhood at all costs. 6-year olds don't need a phone. Let them be kids as long as possible. Once that magic time's passed, it's lost forever.

24. Imagine our kids embraced failure as part of learning.

25. Talk to your kids about money. Tell them what it takes to earn it, how to save it and how to invest. Let them work for their pocket money.

26. When your kids act up, 99% of the time, they just want your attention. Give it to them.

27. Let your kids cry. Show them when you're hurt too. Then teach them how they can start to take control of their emotions.

28. Today is always a good day to surprise your kids with some extra time and attention just for them.

29. Society is trying to tell our kids who they should be. Don't let it. Instead, teach your kids to embrace silence and listen to who they are inside.

30. Kids fight. Show them how to disagree respectfully and how to forgive. Unconditionally.

31. Lead a life of discipline and show your kids how far you can push yourself. Then stand back and watch them surpass you.

32. Your kids' future depends on the simple understanding that their greatest successes lie on the other side of hard work.

33. A parent’s balancing act is making enough money to provide for your family but not focusing on money so much that you end up with no family left to provide for.

34. Our world is speeding up. Balance it out by slowing down together with your kids.

35. If you’re lucky you get 18 summers with your kids. Some kids leave home sooner. MAKE IT ALL COUNT. Screaming toddlers are frustrating in the moment, but you’d trade anything in the world to get that time back.

36. Love is infinite.


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