10 Insights On Work-Life Balance

1. The right question

Thinking about work-life balance makes you believe it's a question of splitting your time and energy in equal measures. That's the wrong question. What we're really looking for is a life aligned with our values. A fulfilling life.

2. Fulfilment

You create happiness by maximising your focus on the things most meaningful to you. Practice gratitude and mindfulness to appreciate the little wonders happening in your life daily.

3. Be realistic

Seeking work-life balance doesn't mean quitting your 9-5 and becoming a solopreneur online. It means understanding that 80% of your happiness arises out of 20% of your time. Identify what fulfils you and safeguard those hours and the people you share them with.

4. The 4 Burner Theory

If you’re pursuing greatness in one area of your life, you need to turn down the burner on others. Be aware of what you turn down and for how long. Spending less time With friends to build your business might be ok in the short-term, but is it a price worth paying for you?

5. Be the example

As a parent, you have to show your kids how to be a provider + create time to be present with them. Sometimes you need to work late, but instead of just dismissing your kids, tell them you’ll be with them in 10mins. Then stick to that.

6. Cut the fluff

If you find yourself complaining about not having enough time, track how you spend your time. Rank what’s most important to you (family and working for our non-profit for me) then cut everything that doesn’t serve you to become who you want to be.

7. Embrace hardship

Sometimes you just need to suck it up. Having a newborn in the house or going for that promotion means less free time and less sleep for some time. Embrace it, lean into it and you’ll come out stronger on the other side.

8. Seek silence

Regularly build in time to reflect. Because life will always trick you into thinking “once I have finished this I'll be able to relax". But it's not like that. And if you don’t observe where you’re going, you’ll end up on a path you don’t want to be on.

9. Forge your best self to serve others

Nothing gives your life more meaning and fulfilment. Strive to maximise your potential, so you can give more to those around you.

10. Parent time

Balance in life is going to change over time. When your kids are young, give them all you have. Once they leave home, you only have 1/20th of your total time with them.

What insights do you have on work-life balance?


The Toughest Scientist Alive Ross Edgley


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