

Do not continue reading unless you are 

  1. A parent to a human child

  2. Consider yourself a ‘mummy’ or ‘daddy’ to a pet

  3. A lover of all things super cute

I promised myself before becoming a dad that I would not be ‘that’ guy. You know the type, the one that pulls out his phone to show you - unsolicited one might add - pictures of his kids/pets. The one who continues to hover his phone in front of your face when you have been done looking at the picture 15 seconds ago. The one that asks you whether you have ever seen anything that:

▢ cute

▢ clever

▢ heart melting

▢ gorgeous

▢ uncopeable

or all of the above before?

But wait, what is uncopeable you might ask. 

It is that moment when your face starts to hurt because you have been smiling at your baby for 20 minutes non-stop just because they are so god-damn cute.

It is that moment when the Outlook notice pulls you back to your screen and reminds you that you need to finish setting the agenda before the meeting, but those clever sounds from your baby are just too distracting.

It is that moment when you are up in the night for the third time, holding your baby who just started falling asleep and you start squeezing just a bit tighter because you understand that your heart is literally melting. 

It is that moment when you get a text from your spouse during work with the latest snapshot of your baby smiling at the camera and you keep unlocking your phone to allow yourself one last glimpse at that gorgeous face. 

It is that moment when your arms and legs start to tingle and you are jumping up and down on the spot because you literally have love pulsating through every fibre of your body. It is then that you realise that nothing else really matters anymore but your perfect baby. This much love is simply uncopeable. 

Photo by David Levêque on Unsplash


What If I Had 5 Minutes Left To Live?

