My Transformations - A 7-Step System

I used to be a fat teenager, average student and volunteer.

Now I am a coach, PhD and CEO.

If I can do it, so can you. Let me show you how:

Each of my transformations followed the same system. You can apply these 7-steps to all areas of life.

But this isn't a hack.

It requires devotion and hard work. If you are ready, let’s go.

1) Take a look in the mirror.

A real, honest one.

Where are you in life right now?

What are your struggles?

What are your strengths?

Figure out your starting point and write it down.

2) Clarify your goal. Be specific.

What do you want to achieve and by when?

Write that down too and sign it.

Now you have made a contract with yourself. Honour it.

3) Check your 'Why'.

What is the purpose behind your goal?

It doesn't matter if it is weightloss, studying or getting that promotion.

If you do not have a clear Why, you will fail at the first real obstacle. Don't let that happen.

4) Make a plan.

You have your starting point and your end goal.

Now work out how you get to that goal. Work backwards.

Schedule out the monthly goals, the weekly ones and the daily actions you need to take.

5) Transform your habits.

Weightloss: no more snacking and drinking on the couch -> walks + podcasts.

Studying: no more waiting for exam time -> daily study.

Job: no more blaming the boss -> put in the work.

The small stuff compounds over time. This is key.

6) Review your plan every single morning.

Why? Because your mind will trick you.

It will tell you that you know what you need to do. That's a lie.

The daily review is your anchor.

It will solidify the plan in your mind. It will force action.

7) Do the work.

No plan is worth anything without action.

Gym sessions, study time, mastering your work. Mark them in your calendar. Don't rely on motivation.

Craft your master plan and then DO.

Every day is a Monday for us. Embrace the hard work like a badge of honour.


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